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Sales & Distribution

Keep track of product sales with Medrx for Pharmacy. Look at inventory sales at various outlets to understand overall sales and individual store sales.

Inventory Management

Manage your inventories to understand clearly which medical products are selling high and which ones are slow-moving using Medrx POS Software. For fast-moving products, set an alert in Medrx Inventory Management System to prompt alert for re-order if quantity is lower a certain amount, so as to avoid the out-of-stock situation. For slow-moving products, use Medrx Software to monitor their expiry dates and stop replenish for the time being

Expiry Date Management

Medical products are under strict regulations. When it comes to inventory management, Medrx Pharmacy POS Software helps pharmacies to keep track of their stocks, the respective batches, and expiry dates. Medicine with a nearer expiry date will be kept in front for sale while those with a later expiry date will be placed at the back. Staff will know which products were expired and discard accordingly.